Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Fabricating Humans essays

Fabricating Humans essays Cloning is unethical and is not needed in society. Many, if not all, religions agree with the ban of cloning human beings. It has also been argued that cloning would diminish individuality as well. Whether or not cloning is ethical, at this time cloning human beings should be, and is, banned. Humans have evolved since the beginning of time, getting smarter and adapting more to the environment in which they live. Humans have evolved so much that we now know how to make copies of our genes, the special codes that make up our physical strengths and weaknesses. It has been argued that cloning would help to rid disease and physical impurities which are unwanted. However, like humans diseases and viruses also evolve changing to the environment in order to stay alive longer. As rabbi Bernard King of Irvine, California asked, Can the cloning create a soul? (qtd in Rottenburg 225). Many religions believe that humans have an everlasting soul, which lives on after life. Scientists do not create a soul, God does. God gives life and he takes it away. Humans without souls would be used as nothing but slaves as stated by the Catholic priest Father Sanders (Rottenburg 225). Individuality would be abolished if the human genome was duplicated. The would be multitudes of identical or similar types of bodies, less distinct, less unique, and less sovereign (Rottenburg 230). The idea of a perfect human would be met, whether it is a blonde hair blue-eyed girl or a boy with a washboard stomach. People would become drones and would be produced in order to fill the needs that society sees fit. Clones would be told what they were, what they are, and what they will become. They will have no say in their life, they would be instructed what job they will do and would be made with the features needed to excel in it. Cloning would ruin some of the qualities of being alive. In addition, what woul ...

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Dwecks Growth Mindset to Close the Achievement Gap

Dweck's Growth Mindset to Close the Achievement Gap Teachers often use words of praise to motivate their students. But saying â€Å"Great job!† or â€Å"You must be smart at this!† may not have the positive effect that teachers hope to communicate. Research shows that there are forms of praise that may reinforce a student’s belief that he or she is either â€Å"smart† or â€Å"dumb†. That belief in a fixed or static intelligence may prevent a student from trying or persisting at a task. A student may either think â€Å"If I am already smart, I don’t need to work hard,† or â€Å"If I am dumb, I won’t be able to learn.† So, how can teachers intentionally change the ways students think about their own intelligence? Teachers can encourage students, even low-performing, high-needs students, to engage and achieve by helping them to develop a growth mindset. Carol Dwecks Growth Mindset Research The concept of a growth mindset was first suggested by Carol Dweck, a  Lewis and Virginia Eaton Professor of Psychology at Stanford University. Her book, Mindset: The New Psychology of Success  (2007) is based on her research with students that suggests that teachers can help develop what is called a growth mindset in order to improve student academic performance. In multiple studies, Dweck noticed the difference in a students performance when they believed that their intelligence was static versus students who believed that their intelligence could be developed. If students believed in a static intelligence, they exhibited such a strong desire to look smart that they tried to avoid challenges. They would give up easily, and they ignored helpful criticism. These students also tended not to expend efforts on tasks they saw as fruitless. Finally, these students felt threatened by the success of other students. In contrast, students who felt that intelligence can be developed exhibited a desire to embrace challenges and to demonstrate persistence. These students accepted helpful criticism and learned from advice. They also were inspired by the success of others. Praising Students Dwecks research saw teachers as agents of change in having students move from fixed to growth mindsets. She advocated that teachers work intentionally to move students from a belief that they are â€Å"smart† or â€Å"dumb† to being motivated instead to â€Å"work hard† and â€Å"show effort. As simple as it sounds, the way teachers praise students can be critical in helping students make this transition.   Before Dweck, for example, standard phrases of praise that teachers might use with their students would sound like, I told you that you were smart, or You are such a good student! With Dwecks research, teachers who want students to develop a growth mindset should praise student efforts using a variety of different phrases or questions. These are suggested phrases or questions that can allow students to feel accomplished at any point in a task or assignment: You kept working and concentratedHow did you do that?You studied and your improvement shows this!What do you plan to do next?Are you pleased with what you did? Teachers can contact parents to provide them information to support a students growth mindset. This communication (report cards, notes home, e-mail, etc.) can give parents a better understanding of the attitudes that students should have  as they develop a growth mindset. This information can alert a parent to a students curiosity, optimism, persistence, or social intelligence as it relates to academic performance. For example, teachers can update parents using statements such as: Student completed what she began Student tried very hard despite some initial failure Student stayed motivated, even when things didn’t go wellStudent approached new tasks with excitement and energyStudent asked questions that showed he or she had a desire to learn  Student adapted to changing social situations Growth Mindsets and the Achievement Gap Improving academic performance of high needs students is a common goal for schools and districts. The U.S. Department of Education defines high needs students as those who are at risk of educational failure or otherwise in need of special assistance and support. The criteria for high needs (any one or combination of the following) include students who: Are living in povertyAttend high-minority schools (as defined in the Race to the Top application)Are far below grade levelHave left school before receiving a regular high school diplomaAre at risk of not graduating with a diploma on timeAre homelessAre in foster careHave been incarceratedHave disabilitiesAre English learners High-needs students in a school or district are often placed in a demographic subgroup for purposes of comparing their academic performance with those of other students. Standardized tests used by states and districts can measure  the differences in the performance between a high needs subgroup within a school and the statewide average performance or a states highest achieving subgroups, especially in the subject areas of reading/language arts and mathematics. The standardized assessments required by each state are used to evaluate school and district performance. Any difference in the average score between student groups, such as regular education students and high needs students, measured by standardized assessments is used to identify what is called the achievement gap in a school or district. Comparing the data on student performance for regular education and subgroups allows schools and districts a way to determine if they are meeting the needs of all students. In meeting these needs, a targeted strategy of helping students to develop a growth mindset  may minimize the achievement gap. Growth Mindset in Secondary Schools Starting to develop a students growth mindset early in a students academic career, during pre-school, kindergarten, and the elementary school grades ​can have long-lasting effects. But using the growth mindset approach within the structure of secondary schools (grades 7-12) may be more complicated. Many secondary schools are structured in ways that may isolate students into different academic levels. For already high performing students, many middle and high schools may offer  pre-advanced placement, honors, and advanced placement (AP) courses. There may be international  baccalaureate (IB) courses or other early college credit experiences. These offerings may inadvertently contribute to what Dweck discovered in her research, that students have already adopted a fixed mindset - the belief that they are either â€Å"smart† and able to take high-level coursework or they are â€Å"dumb† and there is no way to change their academic path. There are also some secondary schools that may engage in tracking, a practice that intentionally separates students by academic ability. In tracking students may be separated in all subjects or in a few classes using classifications such as above average, normal, or below average. High needs students may fall disproportionately in the lower ability classes. To counter the effects of tracking, teachers can try employing growth mindset strategies to motivate all students, including high needs students, to take on challenges and persist in what may seem difficult tasks. Moving students from a belief in the limits of intelligence can counter the argument for tracking by increasing academic achievement for all students, including high needs subgroups.   Manipulating Ideas on Intelligence Teachers who encourage students to take academic risks may find themselves listening to students more as students express their frustrations and their successes in meeting academic challenges. Questions such as Tell me about it or Show me more and Let’s see what you did can be used to encourage students to see efforts as a path to achievement and also give them a sense of control.   Developing a growth mindset can happen at any grade level, as Dweck’s research has shown that student ideas about intelligence can be manipulated in schools by educators in order to have a positive impact on academic achievement.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

1.Its not just about the fuel - The challenges of sustainability Essay

1.Its not just about the fuel - The challenges of sustainability facing the car industry - Essay Example Governments are offering incentives in order to propagate sustainability goals. However, there has been a shift towards outsourcing manufacturing to developing economies from developed ones. This implies that competition is rife in the automobile industry. Additionally, this model stretches the supply chain across geographies, thus increasing greenhouse gas emissions in production. Sustainability goals may be perceived negatively by auto investors, who may think of them as additional expenditures. Engineering skills are dwindling in the developed world with several innovation decisions being made in outsourcing nations; regrettably, most are not committed to sustainability. Tax regimes and complex human resource systems may be a force to reckon with in the sustainability agenda. Small and medium enterprises are also involved in the supply chain, especially those which provide small automotive parts. Some of them find it difficult to access finance for their work. Incentives for research and development especially with regard to collaboration with other parties may be difficult. Certain governments have led the way in supporting automobile manufacturers and consumers in making sustainable car choices. Consumers are also learning about their role in enhancing intelligent mobility, as environmental concerns do not just end at manufacturing. Several manufacturers are now prioritising environmental issues in production. A number of them want to improve their internal combustion engines. This ensures that waste recovery takes place in production. Additionally, they facilitate the integration of electric machines and combustion engines, thus minimising utility. Environmental issues have also led to innovation in enhancing the energy storage of automobiles and the material production of those items. Lightweight manufacture of products is becoming a key manufacturing goal. However, the

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

On the Privatization of IRS Tax Debt Collection Essay

On the Privatization of IRS Tax Debt Collection - Essay Example Now, what does this new development in the tax paying system tells the American people This tells Americans that despite being the world's most powerful country, the American government has its weaknesses and tax debt collection is one of them. In an ideal world, IRS as the primary handler of the country's revenues should have been capable and responsible to do its functions properly. Although the IRS fronts a positive face in light of this recent development for the privatization strategy, it does not hide the fact that in seeking the services of private companies, they are indirectly admitting incompetence or ineffectiveness on their recent and previous tax collection systems. Why seek the services of private sectors when the government agency itself should be or should have been capable given the capabilities and resources of the country Does it also mean that the employees of IRS are not capable enough to encompass the responsibilities of the government agency That they lack the needed skilled people in their side In this instance, public service has acknowledged defeat to private services. One other great concern of critics is that taxpayer's rights are greatly put at risk of violations on their rights given under this scheme.

Sunday, November 17, 2019

The National Literacy Strategy Essay Example for Free

The National Literacy Strategy Essay The following essay will consider some of the components of the literacy hour and discuss the strategies teachers use to utilise these methods within the classroom. Literacy is at the heart of the drive to raise standards in schools (DfES, 2001, pg2) The above quote is taken from the National Literacy Strategy framework for teaching which, since 1998 has highlighted the importance of teaching English to all schoolchildren. The framework was introduced to couple the National Curriculum document and builds on theories and ideas from previous reports (such as the Kingman report: 1988 and the Cox report: 1989) and documentation which since 1975 have highlighted the importance of having certain attainment targets that children should be achieving. These targets are the acquisition of good speaking, listening, reading, writing and spelling skills, and the Literacy strategy influences teachers in planning and delivering at least an hour long literacy lesson each day, focusing on one or more of these targets. According to the National Literacy document children use a range of strategies, or searchlights, when reading to help them make sense of text. These searchlights fall into four categories. These are; phonic knowledge, grammatical knowledge, knowledge of context/word recognition and graphic knowledge (DfES: 2001. p 4) When teaching reading teachers will break their lesson down into shared (whole class) and guided (independent with support from teacher) sessions. When delivering shared and guided reading sessions teachers can model to children how to draw upon all four of the searchlights to aid them in their reading. Shared reading normally focuses on word and text level work and so teachers will plan for a whole class read in which specific features such as spelling patterns, alliteration, punctuation or the intention of the piece that is being read will be highlighted for to the class. (Ibid). Practitioners are also able to model how clues contained within the piece (such as pictures, exclamation or speech marks) can be used to predict how the story is to be read. However, during guided or independent reading children have to use what knowledge they have of the English language to read on their own. It is for this reason that practitioners will plan to teach the use of phonics to children from an early age. As young children find it hard to discriminate the sounds of letters automatically the teaching of phonics or letter sounds is used by teachers to help children to recognise the correct spelling of a word (DfES 2001). The most effective practitioners will teach children how to identify the phonemes in spoken language and then build an understanding of how each phoneme is correctly spelt. When children have acquired a sound knowledge of these phonemes, practitioners will educate them in two new skills known as segmentation and blending.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Macbeth: Schizophrenic? Essay -- essays research papers

Macbeth’s tragic downfall into insanity could be modernly diagnosed as the mental disorder schizophrenia. Many of the actions carried out by Macbeth during the play lead the reader to believe that Macbeth is crazy. However, by today’s medical standards, Macbeth falls into several of the categories under the diagnosis of schizophrenia. Schizophrenia is defined as, "a psychotic disorder characterized by loss of contact with the environment, by noticeable deterioration in the level of functioning in everyday life, and by disintegration of personality expressed as disorder of feeling, thought, and conduct." In Act I Macbeth is very uneasy in his and Lady Macbeth’s decision to kill Duncan. He says, â€Å"We shall proceed no further in this business. For he hath honored me of late.† (I.7.31-32) This is an unmistakable example of how Macbeth is not fully confident in his decisions. He feels guilt and anguish, as does Lady Macbeth, for she will not commit the murder herself, due to the fact that King Duncan looks too much like her father. At this point in the play, it is quite questionable as to weather either of the conspirators will consummate to the killings. Duncan’s death can be identified as the turning point of Macbeth’s sanity. This is when Macbeth starts to clearly display numerous symptoms of schizophrenia. O One of the most common symptoms of schizophrenia is the inability to distinguish between reality and fantasy. Macbeth displays this characteristic as he speaks vehemently to an empty chair, which he believes is the ghost of his old friend Banquo, w ho he just recently had killed. He says, â€Å"Prithee, see there! behold! look! lo! how say you? Why, what care I? If thou canst nod, speak too. If charnel-houses and our graves must send Those that we bury back, our monuments Shall be the maws of kites.† (III, 4) Macbeth is the only one to see the ghost, not even the audience is allowed by Shakespeare to see this apparition. After this, his mental stability begins to deteriorate throughout the course of the play. Guilt and obsession are also among the leading features associated with schizophrenia. After Macbeth is coaxed into killing Duncan, he is plagued by the blood, which he has spilt. However, he still manages to kill anyone who threatens his reign, even those who are very close to him. One could say that his obsession with maintaining his royal sta... ...s disorganized and fragmented, the ill person's speech is often muddled or unreasonable. Thought disorder is frequently accompanied by inappropriate emotional responses: which means words and mood do not appear in tune with each other. The result may be something like laughing when speaking of shady or frightening events. Early warning signs, such as Lady Macbeth’s sleepwalking, her irrational speech, and her loss of normal temperament were all reverberations of her mental instability. Extreme circumstances such as the ones presented in Macbeth are highly probable causes for both Macbeth and Lady Macbeth’s development of schizophrenia. Their behavior, although seeming quite erratic and irrational, is quite common among patients with this disorder. The term â€Å"schizophrenic,† however, was not even brought to the public until 1911, by a Swiss psychologist, Eugen Bleuler, almost three decades after Shakespeare’s Macbeth was introduced to England. Citizens during the sixteen hundreds would have just thought Macbeth and his wife were insane and should be locked away. With today’s psychoanalytic sciences, though, it can be most likely predicted that schizophrenia was present in Macbeth.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Hoosier Burger Essay

The project development team for Hoosier Burger has had several meetings with the owners, Bob and Thelma Mellankamp. Mr. Mellankamp has stressed the important improvements and shared that the businesses food demand has increase drastically. There have been numerous problems that have arisen from this type of demand and could affect business if a system is not created to meet those needs. The purpose of this essay is to discuss how the Hoosier Burger project was identified and selected, identify the project scope and what the new system will have, and assess the project’s feasibility factors as well as develop the project scope. The information system project had to first be identified and selected. This would be the first phase of the Systems Development Life Cycle (SDLC). To do this the project development team has had several meetings with Mr. and Mrs. Mellankamp to discuss improvements and identifying areas that need most improvements. According to Valacich, George, and Hoffer (2009), â€Å"Project identification and selection consists of three primary activities: identifying potential development projects, classifying and ranking projects, and selecting projects for development† (p. 94). The potential development projects for Hoosier Burger are improving inventory control, customer ordering, and management reporting systems and ranking in that order. The focus of the new system will be to improve customer service by improving inventory management, marketing, and food preparations (keeping inventory stocked). The project scope statement for Hoosier Burger will describe what the project will deliver as well as outline all the work that will be required for project completion. The project will deliver a tracking system for inventory, customer ordering and sales and over all improve management reporting. The new system will be required to meet these goals in order to assist the owners of Hoosier Burger to control these different aspects. Each different area will work with one another to help Mr. Mellankamp manage the business and reporting systems better. Using six feasibility factors, the project development team can assess Hoosier Burger project feasibility. According to Valacich, George, and Hoffer (2009), â€Å"Assessing project feasibility is a required task that can be a large undertaking because it requires you, as a systems analyst, to evaluate a wide range of factors† (p. 100). The six feasibility factors are economic,  operational, technical, schedule, legal and contractual, and political. As stated by Valacich, George, and Hoffer (2009), â€Å"The analysis of these six factors forms the business case that justifies the expenditure of resources on the project† (p. 100). The economic feasibility of Hoosier Burger’s project is that it will benefit the company financially because it will increase business with customers being happier with the service. The operational feasibility for the named case is that the project that is being developed will very likely solves most of the business’s problem because it is currently all done manually by hand with no system at all. Technical feasibility in this case is that the organization has the ability to construct the system. Schedule, legal and contractual, and political feasibility will also follow as well when the project begins.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

A time to kill

In this movie criminal law is displayed. The Jury selection process was that there were many possible Jurors, and the two lawyers picked who got to be on the Jury during the trail, 6 choice for each lawyer. The lawyers based their designs on stereotypical stereotypes such as white will always feel that black is guilty, and other factors that contributed to what each lawyer wanted.I feel as though this is fair In the sense that each lawyer picks who they want, and no its not fair that they are choosing people that they know what they're final verdict will be. In today's society there Is defiantly still some tension when It comes to race, and I feel as though those opinions and beliefs comes from the old fashion ways of thinking passed on from one generation to the next. This movie does not change my opinion on the fact that I strongly believe the law should be upheld whether the person is black or white.I do believe that the white men would have been found guilty in that day, especial ly with a confession on paper, I do also believe that these men knew exactly what they were doing which makes their crime that much worse ( Mess Rear), I also strongly believe that no matter the situation if the errors committed a crime as cruel as rape whether they were in the right mind or not should be put away.The term Cactus Reuse is basically saying guilty mind, and that a person must be proven guilty beyond a reasonable doubt, and with this movie the men were defiantly guilty, and with enough evidence and more to be put away for a long time, if not then for life. If I was Carl Lee I would have done what he did and more.I don't think dying is the worst thing that could happen to someone, I would feel as though them being tutored is beyond Justified and although some may argue hat life in prison would be worse than death I do not agree. How is it fair that a person commits a crime that will alter their victims life for the worst, and effect them their whole life, and be aloud t o have live in a room, with a bed and food and clothes on their back. I believe they died too easily for the crime they committed.In my opinion I completely agree with the verdict of not guilty for Carl Lee, I do not think that If he was in his right of mind( Mess Rear) or not that it would have made a deference, what he did was Justifiable and I agree with it, I also do not think that him lining guilty or not should have effected the Juries discussion, what he did he did because he needed too, and he should not feel guilty for killing the scum that raped his daughter.The title † A Time to Kill† related to the movie because In my opinion there Is a very small and understandable time to kill, such as when two men rape a 10 year old girl. That Is when there Is a time to kill. By Nick Starker a time to kill By nickels wanted. I feel as though this is fair in the sense that each lawyer picks who they want, and no its not fair that they are choosing people that they know what they're IANAL verdict will be. In today's society there is defiantly still some tension when it more.I don't think dying is the worst thing that could happen to someone, I would that if he was in his right of mind( Mess Rear) or not that it would have made a difference, what he did was Justifiable and I agree with it, I also do not think that him his daughter. The title † A Time to Kill† related to the movie because in my opinion there is a very small and understandable time to kill, such as when two men rape a 10 year old girl. That is when there is a time to kill. A time to kill In this movie criminal law is displayed. The Jury selection process was that there were many possible Jurors, and the two lawyers picked who got to be on the Jury during the trail, 6 choice for each lawyer. The lawyers based their designs on stereotypical stereotypes such as white will always feel that black is guilty, and other factors that contributed to what each lawyer wanted.I feel as though this is fair In the sense that each lawyer picks who they want, and no its not fair that they are choosing people that they know what they're final verdict will be. In today's society there Is defiantly still some tension when It comes to race, and I feel as though those opinions and beliefs comes from the old fashion ways of thinking passed on from one generation to the next. This movie does not change my opinion on the fact that I strongly believe the law should be upheld whether the person is black or white.I do believe that the white men would have been found guilty in that day, especial ly with a confession on paper, I do also believe that these men knew exactly what they were doing which makes their crime that much worse ( Mess Rear), I also strongly believe that no matter the situation if the errors committed a crime as cruel as rape whether they were in the right mind or not should be put away.The term Cactus Reuse is basically saying guilty mind, and that a person must be proven guilty beyond a reasonable doubt, and with this movie the men were defiantly guilty, and with enough evidence and more to be put away for a long time, if not then for life. If I was Carl Lee I would have done what he did and more.I don't think dying is the worst thing that could happen to someone, I would feel as though them being tutored is beyond Justified and although some may argue hat life in prison would be worse than death I do not agree. How is it fair that a person commits a crime that will alter their victims life for the worst, and effect them their whole life, and be aloud t o have live in a room, with a bed and food and clothes on their back. I believe they died too easily for the crime they committed.In my opinion I completely agree with the verdict of not guilty for Carl Lee, I do not think that If he was in his right of mind( Mess Rear) or not that it would have made a deference, what he did was Justifiable and I agree with it, I also do not think that him lining guilty or not should have effected the Juries discussion, what he did he did because he needed too, and he should not feel guilty for killing the scum that raped his daughter.The title † A Time to Kill† related to the movie because In my opinion there Is a very small and understandable time to kill, such as when two men rape a 10 year old girl. That Is when there Is a time to kill. By Nick Starker a time to kill By nickels wanted. I feel as though this is fair in the sense that each lawyer picks who they want, and no its not fair that they are choosing people that they know what they're IANAL verdict will be. In today's society there is defiantly still some tension when it more.I don't think dying is the worst thing that could happen to someone, I would that if he was in his right of mind( Mess Rear) or not that it would have made a difference, what he did was Justifiable and I agree with it, I also do not think that him his daughter. The title † A Time to Kill† related to the movie because in my opinion there is a very small and understandable time to kill, such as when two men rape a 10 year old girl. That is when there is a time to kill.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Dining Preference in America essays

Dining Preference in America essays One of the American dining practices that stands out in contrast to eastern cultures is how food is served and eaten, in a traditional restaurant setting. Each person is expected to order an entre for himself, along with any appetizer, salad, soup, or desserts he wishes to have. Over the course of the meal each dish is served sequentially, usually at a rectangular table, and everybody concentrates on his own dish with sharing kept to a minimum unless among closer friends or relatives. Napkins are used to keep off messy stains and loud eating noise is usually considered bad form. On the other hand, a traditional Chinese meal would involve a collection of different dishes of meats and vegetables, soup, all served together with bowls of personal servings of rice to consumed with the dishes. Instead of forks and knives, each person is equipped with a pair of chopsticks and a soup spoon that he or she uses to pick up food from the communal dishes. The sharing of these different dishes is facilitated with a round table that places each person at equal distances to them. Chewing food with your mouth open, resting your elbow on the table top, and leaving your chopsticks standing in the middle of your rice bowl are all considered bad manners, especially the last since it symbolizes incense burnt at a funeral. For someone from a Chinese cultural background, having a formal dinner with his American companions might be a difficult experience. He will probably be tempted to try out everyones dishes at the table, have difficulties cutting his steak with a pair of k nife and fork, and kept comparing how his meal will taste like with steamed rice or noodles. In comparing the seating styles, the Americans have a rigid and well defined personal space as opposed to the Chinese who would try to fit as many people as possible into a table. Even the geometric shapes of the dining tables show a contrasting social practice. The r...

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Aporia Definition and Examples

Aporia Definition and Examples Aporia is a  figure of speech in which the speaker expresses real or simulated doubt or perplexity. The adjective is  aporetic. In classical rhetoric, aporia means placing a claim in doubt by developing arguments on both sides of an issue. In the terminology of deconstruction, aporia is a final impasse or paradoxthe site at which the text most obviously undermines its own rhetorical structure, dismantles, or deconstructs itself. Etymology: From the Greek, without passagePronunciation: eh-POR-ee-eh Examples and Observations David MikicsScholars have described as aporetic early Socratic dialogues like the Protagoras (ca. 380 BCE), which end in puzzlement rather than resolution, and which fail to supply convincing definitions of sought-after concepts like truth and virtue. At the end of the Protagoras, wrote the philosopher Sà ¸ren Kierkegaard, Socrates and Protagoras resemble two bald men searching for a comb.Peter FalkI dont think its proving anything, Doc. As a matter of fact, I dont even know what it means. Its just one of those things that gets in my head and keeps rolling around in there like a marble.William WordsworthIf living sympathy be theirsAnd leaves and airs,The piping breeze and dancing treeAre all alive and glad as we:Whether this be truth or noI cannot tell, I do not know;Naywhether now I reason well,I do not know, I cannot tell.Ford Maddox FordAm I no better than a eunuch or is the proper manthe man with the right to existencea raging stallion forever neighing after his neighbor’ s womankind? Or are we meant to act on impulse alone? It is all a darkness. Julian WolfreysA particularly striking example of the experience of the aporetic appears in Karl Marxs consideration of the commodity fetish, where he finds it logically impossible to explain, within the limits of his discourse, what transforms material into its mystified form as desired commodity, and what invests the commodity object with its commodified mystique.David LodgeRobin wrote the word with a coloured felt-tip marker on the whiteboard screwed to the wall of her office. Aporia. In classical rhetoric it means real or pretended uncertainty about the subject under discussion. Deconstructionists today use it to refer to more radical kinds of contradiction or subversion of logic or defeat of the readers expectation in a text. You could say that its deconstructions favourite trope. Hillis Miller compares it to following a mountain path and then finding that it gives out, leaving you stranded on a ledge, unable to go back or forwards. It actually derives from a Greek word meaning a pathless path.

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Please read the cases and answer the questions by using the relevant Essay - 1

Please read the cases and answer the questions by using the relevant legal basis - Essay Example , the company must leave room for competition and must not subdue other smaller companies in the region for encouraging technological development, thus conforms to the law (Geneva, 2008). Price fixation in a market prohibits competition and leads to the development of a monopoly market structure. Inferring to the case of Ilovemoneyalot Telecommunications Company, the action by the CEO of the company to influence fixation of the prices of smartphones through a decrease of prices by 35% would disadvantage other smaller companies who are not part of the agreement to decrease the price. The decrease in prices of the smartphones by 35% would result in concerted practice towards other smaller players with a total share of 20% of the overall market share. In the reduction of the prices, Ilovemoneyalot Company should involve all the players in the market in the decision-making to avoid disadvantaging other market players. The patency law helps in the protection of the original work of an individual against production or reproduction by another party. This law majorly applies in artistical, and literature works like songs, work of literature or an innovation. Relating the patency law to the case of Arthur, the pianist who wrote a song â€Å"Beautiful Maria of my life,† after the production of the song by another party, the original composer can take legal action against the neo- composer if he/she can prove patency to the work. This is because the law protects from the production of another’s work, which is presumably still under modification (Geneva,

Friday, November 1, 2019

E business exam questions Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

E business exam questions - Essay Example The social welfare of the businesses increase and they look to increase the welfare to the customers. There can be price discrimination with the use of the Internet as the customers are aware of the products. The business houses may look to decrease the price of the goods to attract the customers. The e business model of Amazon is based on offering products at lower costs. This helps in the increase of the social welfare. With the rise of the Internet, various other business opportunities are open for the entrepreneurs. Complementarities: The model has described the services as the complementarities. The services of the e business model should be quick and precise. The basic concept is to provide the customer’s with valuable information that helps in the development of the business. Lock in: The lock in period of the business houses is relatively low while using the e business model. The search for customers’ get quicker and the cost is less than that of the traditional process. Therefore, the lock in of the company is automatically reduced. The company may also adopt a model to produce what is demanded. Novelty: In the e business model, there has been a rise in the novelty process with the rise of innovation. The business houses look to attract the customers with the use of innovative techniques. Amazon and Ebay offer discounts and gift vouchers, which encourage the customers to shop online. (Kirikova & Grundspenkis, 2002; Pp 378-379) Porter’s value chain activities describes that a relation exists between the firm’s activities regarding the suppliers and the customers. The value chain activities of a firm can be described as follows: With the advancement of technology and the use of the Internet, the value chain of a company can be related easily. The effectiveness of a company has increased with the use of the Internet. All the components in the value chain have been benefited by the use of the Internet. The